Our Propriétés d'Excellence
Partnering with the finest properties worldwide
Specializing in character and prestige real estate since 1936
Our services
Because your project is unique, your tastes unique, your expectations specific, our services are tailor-made and our advice personalized.

Mercure Forbes
Global Properties
the whole of France 18
internationally 70
worldwide 13
by our support 41

Our tips & inspirations

The impact of real estate photos on ad visibility
In the real estate sector, first impressions are often decisive. That's why professional photos play a crucial role in real estate...
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When the main residence becomes a secondary one
In the French real estate landscape, second home is all the rage! Since the Covid-19 crisis and the development of telecommuting,...
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Our agencies
The 20 Groupe Mercure agencies are run by quality men and women with perfect knowledge of the local prestige and luxury real estate market, land and stone. They are distributed throughout the national territory.
Selling luxury real estate: a profession guided by heritage and the art of living
Since 1936, our group has been a key player in the luxury and high-end real estate market. We accompany owners in the sale of their prestigious property: manor house, castle, mansion, private mansion, loft, farmhouse, luxury villa, architect’s house, historical monuments…
This passion for luxury real estate, but also for historical monuments, is shared by our 120 employees throughout France and by our 1000 international correspondents.
A team of experts for the purchase or sale of your luxury property
Indeed, each exceptional property that we select for our demanding clients is by nature rare and unique. Our collaborators work to discover them in the smallest details: the building, from the cellar to the attic to the details of the land, the outbuildings, the construction materials, the renovation work, the equipment, the easements, the history of the site, the environment…
We have at heart to emphasize each luxury property by keeping in mind the total transparency to be offered to future buyers. So that they benefit from an enlightened and surprise-free purchase. Also, it passes by a perfect transmission of a patrimony, often charged of affect, of memories of a life, of a family sometimes secular.
Concerning the purchasers, we discover their expectations, their dreams, their tastes, their way of life until the mode of financing of their future acquisition. Moreover, we offer them a selection and carry out useful, targeted visits that sometimes trigger a love affair. In addition, the investment is winning whether it is a primary or secondary residence.
Our customers: a top priority
First of all, the objective is not to waste their time, to be efficient, rigorous and discreet. More precisely, we keep a regular contact when the choice is not made. Indeed, the clientele of the luxury real estate market is demanding, which is why, for us, Excellence is also a rule of conduct.
Moreover, we are constantly training ourselves and each prestigious property being particular, they are new opportunities to perfect our knowledge. Energy renovation, old building materials, intelligent economic renovation, innovation in the destinations for a lucrative activity…Also, we open our doors to wine estates and offer our knowledge in wine tourism.
An international real estate network
The Mercure real estate group and its network of international partners offer an irreproachable service in the valuation of properties. Indeed, our expertise is recognized thanks to our long experience in the market of prestigious properties, the sale of castles and villas, architect’s houses and apartments of character.
Indeed, the transmission of a castle, a manor, a wine estate or any other Propriétés d’Excellence, to a new family is a matter of passion and emotion. Very often, linked to a dream to be realized, sometimes the dream of a lifetime, which is why we are attached to the details and to the full satisfaction of our customers.